Don’t read this

No, really, I’d prefer you don’t read this.

So why am I writing a blog that I don’t want anyone to read?  I guess I just want to write down what I’m experiencing during this remarkable time in my life. In fact, I’m compelled to write something down. I hadn’t intended to write during my break. “Are you going to write a book,” people asked me. “Nope,” I responded with certainty. A speech someday? Probably.

I like to speak and I always say yes if I’m available, but my typical speech about risk is a bit rusty. Though you could say that My Radical Sabbatical is actually the riskiest thing I’ve ever done, I need some new material.  So maybe this will all come together for a talk someday.

In the end, the main reason I’m writing all this down is that I’m positively compelled to. I’m a writer at heart and and my writing fingers are getting itchy. I can’t get things out of my head until I write them down, be them shopping lists OR people I want to reconnect with OR things I want to do next OR fun businesses I’d like to build.

I’ve seen so many new things and gained so many new perspectives during these last five months that I just need to get them out somewhere. So I’ll be dumping them into here, along with photos from my travels. If you’ve stumbled onto this, I don’t know how you got here, because you didn’t hear about this from me.

And if you’re reading this … Don’t