Luxembourg Garden – my favorite place in Paris

Today I went to Luxembourg Garden to read. I brought the Stephen King book that Michael got me for my birthday this year.

Birthday book

It’s about the fifth time I’ve managed to find a few hours to go there, sit, read and watch people stroll by. I just love this place. Even though my current apartment isn’t at all close, I either walk 45 minutes or hop on the Metro to get there.

The last two times, I’ve gotten lunch from a nearby place and have taken it to the park to eat it. Here was my lunch today.

Lunch at Luxembourg Garden


It was a ham and gruyere sandwich, with butter spread so thickly on each side that the butter peaked through the holes in the bread. You can see it in the photo. I got a couscous salad, as well, and the dessert in the little box is a tart citron meringue, or a lemon meringue tart. It was amazing! Our tour guide on one of our Paris Walks tours showed us the shop (Gerard Mulot) and recommended it for picnic lunches. It’s a little pricey but well worth it for the quality and it’s only a few blocks away, at the corner of rue de Seine and rue Lobineau, on the way from the Odeon Metro stop.

Michael even came to the park with me today,

Michael at Luxembourg Garden


Why have I loved this place for so many years? I guess because it’s peaceful and lively at the same time. There are ALWAYS enough green metal chairs to sit on–no matter how busy the park is. There are running, shrieking children and people of all types walking by on the light beige gravel. There’s always a bit of shade to catch, like under these little trees along the path.

Luxembourg Garden

I also just love the little cafe tucked way under the trees.

Cafe in Luxembourg Garden

Cafe at Luxembourg Garden

I usually get a cafe or a chocolate.

cafe at Luxembourg Garden

Except on nice Sunday afternoons, there always is a chair available at the Pavillon de La Fontaine.

Luxembourg Garden


For a few days I went to the Tuileries Garden, outside the Louvre, and that was very nice too. But Luxembourg Garden is still my favorite and always will be. It’s the vibe, it’s the memories, it’s the peaceful feeling.



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